What Is Hypnosis?

There are many theories about what hypnosis is, or what is is not. The generally accepted definition, and the definition currently used by the National Guild of Hypnotists is that Hypnosis is “An altered state of consciousness where the subconscious level of the mind is in a state of hyper-suggestibility.” In layman’s terms, Hypnosis is a way for a Hypnotist to utilize the natural process of trance to guide or coach an individual into a self-hypnotic state. YOU, the client, ultimately control your experience as all hypnotism is done by YOU in YOUR MIND with suggestion and guidance from the Hypnotist.

Frequently Asked Questions About Hypnosis

Though hypnotists will commonly give the suggestion “sleep” to hypnotic subjects, the hypnotic state is not unconscious. This is one of the most common misconceptions surrounding hypnotism, propagated by stage hypnotists, tv, and the movies. In reality, the opposite is true – when you are in a hypnotic state you are hyper aware, to the point of noticing temperature, smells, and sounds more so than during normal consciousness.

No. While in a state of hypnosis or hypnotic trance you cannot be made to do anything against your will, or anything that you would not do during a normal state of consciousness. Simply put, you are very much 100% still in control. YOU choose to listen to the suggestions of the hypnotist if they are useful or reject them if they are not. Your secrets remain safe with hypnosis.

There will be no clucking, barking, or animal noises of any kind unless it is your desire to do so and you discuss this with the hypnotist prior to your session. Though stage hypnotists often use outlandish suggestions like clucking like chicken for entertainment purposes, in one on one practice the focus is entirely on YOU and the CHANGE you wish to make. 

If you have seen the movie Office Space (1999) you will have seen a depiction of a man who is stuck in a hypnotic trance and experiences a radically altered personality as a result of his hypnotist having a heart attack during their session. In reality, you would simply wake up within seconds to just a minute or two feeling wide awake and back to your regular self. You cannot get stuck in a hypnotic trance, and can even pop yourself out of hypnosis at any point if you sense an emergency or become uncomfortable. YOU are always 100% in control. 

Hypnosis is completely safe when done by qualified individuals working within their skill set. It is an excellent complementary and alternative method to help individuals feel and perform at their best. Hypnosis is not brainwashing, mind control, or anything of that kind, and you cannot be made to do anything embarrassing while under hypnosis. 
